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Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Home Exercises for Weight Loss

Here are some quick and easy home exercises for weight loss if you're busy and don't have time everyday to go to the gym. In fact, these exercises are probably superior to exercises you do at the gym.

Home Exercises

1. Jump on a mini-trampoline

This is easily my favorite exercise to do, period. It's a lot more effective than you'd think... but just try it for 2 minutes and you'll see it's a hidden gem. Just go to Wal-Mart, or if you hate Wal-Mart some other place, and plunk down your $25. It'll be 1 of the best investments in yourself and weight loss.

What I do is jump on it during 2 minute tv commercials. This way I don't even have to bother blocking out a chunk of time to exercise. I just exercise between doing other things. Believe me, this makes exercise so easy to do everyday.

Just to let you know, a typical 1 hour tv show has about 22 minutes of commercials. So you just need 1 tv show to get in a good workout.

2. Hindu Squats

These are fast-paced, no weight squats where you keep a pretty straight back and you squat up and down as fast as possible to create an oxygen deficit (which helps ellicit major fat loss). Make sure to swipe or touch your finger tips to the ground each time you squat down. If you don't do that, that repetition doesn't count.

Try to do 100 repetitions a day for the first week. Then increase to 200 for the second week and beyond. (Note: You don't have to do all of these repetitions together, but for this exercise you'd get better results if you did them all at once.)

If you do just these 2 home exercises consistently, you can expect some good weight loss results without messing up your busy schedule.

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