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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

How Celebrities Lose Weight Fast - Learn the Tricks They Use For Fast Celebrity Weight Loss

Have you ever wondered how celebrities lose weight fast? Celebrities seem almost super-human in their ability to shed pounds so quickly. Stars have had children and look better than they did before ever getting pregnant in just weeks! It takes us "normal" moms years to lose that baby fat! Actors gain weight to suit a movie role and then it seems that the weight comes off in the bath water the moment they are done filming. How do they do it?

The first way how celebrities lose weight fast is that they have a personal trainer. Believe it or not, this makes a huge difference when it comes to weight loss. Their personal trainer stays on them consistently about their diet and exercise habits. This requires them to have accountability for what they eat and their physical activity. That is something that most of us don't have in place. However, it is still possible to lose weight and stay fit like a celebrity, even if you don't have thousands to spend on a personal trainer.

Another reason how celebrities lose weight fast is that they follow a very strict diet. Most celebrities limit themselves to 1200 - 1300 calories per day. They try to avoid snacks and empty calories. It is a little easier for them to stick to their diets than the rest of us because their livelihood depends on it! If you knew that those extra pounds would mean that you would lose your house and car, it would probably give you a little more motivation to do something about them. This is why you see many celebrities go "too far" with their weight loss. They sometimes obsess to the point of becoming too skinny and unhealthy looking. So it has a downside as well.

With their busy schedule, eating several 5 or 6 meals per day instead of three large ones is not always convenient, but it is part of how celebrities lose weight fast. They usually try to avoid eating close to bedtime. Celebrities are also crazy about water! They drink tons of water and not much else. This helps them stay slim and is also great to keep their skin clear and glowing.

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