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Monday, September 30, 2013
Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss Diet
If you want to eliminate your embarrassing excess body fats, then try to incorporate fat burning foods into your weight loss diet. Consuming these foods will help you increase your metabolic rate and at the same time burn large amount of calories. Therefore, it helps you in speeding up the weight loss process. If you want to lose weight naturally, choose fat burning foods that are high in fiber in order to prevent your body storing excess fats.
Listed below are some foods that can help you burn fats for a better weight loss results.
1. Apples. Try to consume apple in between meals. This fruit contains pectin which limits the amount of fats to be absorbed by our cells. Pectin found in apple is also an appetite suppressant that keeps you fuller for longer period of time. Thus, preventing you to over eat unhealthy foods and minimizing your cravings.
2. Protein-rich food. It is essential to consume high protein foods because they also aid the weight loss process by burning excess body fats. Keep in mind that you need to choose foods with good protein content but low in calories. These may include fish, eggs and lean meat. These foods contain lots of nutrients that help your body in metabolizing fats.
3. Foods high in Vitamin C. Consuming foods with high vitamin C content can help you drop some pounds. These foods burn fats by liquefying them in order for the body to effectively flush excess fats out of the system. Foods rich in vitamin C include berries, cabbage as well as other citrus fruits.
4. Foods high in calcium. Calcium rich foods may include milk, cheese, and yoghurt. These foods help you lose weight by breaking down stored fats in fat cells. More so, they maintain muscle mass which enables your body to burn more fats.
5. High fiber foods. Consume foods that are high in fiber because they help you lose weight by making you feel full for longer period to avoid overeating. More so, these foods help you flush out toxins from your body which is very vital to overall health. These foods include whole grain breads and cereals.
For More Related Topics Blog: Exercises For Weight Loss For Women
Sunday, September 29, 2013
How Is HCG Hormone Connected to Weight Loss
HCG is a new diet fad that has swept across America. It involves injecting people with Human Chorionic Gonadotropin.
HCG weight loss shots refer to injections of HCG taken to reduce weight. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and is a hormone produced by pregnant women. It is synthesized by the developing embryo and also by the placenta at a later stage and its function is to prevent the disintegration of the corpus luteum of the ovary. This is vital for pregnancy in humans. However, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is much in demand these days to lose weight.
Among the many diets and other weight loss trends out there in a world obsessed with losing weight, HCG weight loss shots are among the recent popular methods. People these days are willing to try anything for weight reduction, all kinds of weird and bizarre methods, liposuction, hormone therapy, stapling stomachs, strange chemical concoctions - nobody bothers to try out the most effective and proven method lose weight which is simply exercise and diet!
Nevertheless there is an industry for HCG weight loss and its proponents swear by its effectiveness and even claim that the effects are permanent. That means these shots will cause a general reduction in tendency to gain fat weight (fat, as opposed to lean muscle mass) - a trait that will stay with the person for life. It is claimed that healthy weight can be maintained even after returning to the "normal" routine. HCG shots can allegedly give you a weight reduction rate of more than a pound a day.
HCG weight loss shots are taken by people because some studies have claimed that genetics can sometimes act as roadblock towards losing weight. The body is programmed by genetics to stay at a certain weight, which might not be the ideal preferred weight of the individual, and the body militates against any efforts made to change this "pre-ordained" weight. According to British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons who developed HCG weight loss shots, subjects treated with low dose shots of HCG lost fat while retaining lean muscle because the HCG stimulates the hypothalamus to get rid of fat. In an embryo, this hormone promotes mobility in the developing fetus by getting rid of extra deposits of adipose (fat). This is the rationale behind HCG weight loss shots. This has also led to them being used as anabolic steroids and performance enhancing drugs.
For More Related Topics Blog: How To Lose Weight After Giving Birth
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Fitness Boot Camps For Women - The Fast Weight Loss Solutions
In the past, many women thought that fitness boot camps are for the most hardcore fitness enthusiasms who wants to gain military fitness. And many would steer away from such fitness programs due to its harsh military training programs that comes with all the yelling and embarrassments. However, the fitness trend has changed. Especially in Australia where many people love the great sunshine in the beautiful outdoor, there are more women who have turned to bootcamp that caters to their specific niche. The reason is simple. Women fitness boot camps helps them lose weight fast. So why a women fitness-based program is better for women in terms of weight loss.
Gender-Specific Workout
For More Related Topics Blog: Ways To Lose Weight In 1 Week
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Acai Berry - Perfect Food For Weight Loss
Acai berries are the perfect food. In fact, eating acai berries seems to bring nothing but benefits, without any negative side effects. What are these berries anyway, and why are they so perfect for us? Well, these berries are dark purple berries found in the Amazon forests. They are smaller than grapes but look similar with their round shape. They come from the acai palm, and this fruit is prized for its juice and pulp because research has found that these two forms are the ones best absorbed by the body.
Acai berries have ten times more antioxidants than red grapes. It has double the antioxidants of blueberries, which until recently has been touted as the fruit with the most number of antioxidants--until the acai berry was discovered. It also has up to thirty times more anthocyanins than red wine. This is because it absorb more antioxidants that most fruits. The fact that these berries are full of antioxidants means that it is capable of protecting us against cancer and heart diseases. It also prevents the effects of aging. Not only is this berry great for our health but for our appearance too.
This superfruit really helps in removing the toxins from our body, making our digestive system more efficient. It also helps flush out all the waste and fat that has been stored in our body for a long time. The acai berry is really effective in giving our bodies and energy boost as well as speeding up the weight loss process. I cannot think of a more perfect food than the this. And to top it all off, it's a delicious fruit. Most people describe the taste as a combination of chocolate and wine. Some describe it as a combination of chocolate and coffee.
More and more people are discovering why this unassuming fruit is the perfect food for them. Discover what the acai berry can do for you. The berry is widely available in health food stores as well as online. It is preferable to buy it online because most retailers provide free samples of their products.
Fact - Eating Oatmeal 3 Times a Day for 1 Week Will Produce Amazing Weight Loss Guaranteed
You can't stand the thought of losing weight because you think you need to eat cardboard to do it...
And the belief has some truth to it...
I mean, let's face it, all food that is healthy for you doesn't taste like that candy you just ate! In fact, some of the best weight loss foods taste like dirt...if you haven't tasted dirt all you need to know is that it ain't good!
So where does all of this leave us?
I'll tell you where...About 10 to 20 pounds overweight with no motivation to do anything about it!
So allow me to pose this question?
Are you going to live the rest of your life with that flab bouncing around your hips every time you take a step just because you might have to eat something that doesn't taste good? If we're honest with ourselves we'd have to admit that it seems rather foolish...
And here's another thought, perhaps the reason you can't stand the taste of many healthy foods is because any food that isn't sugar coated is absolutely foreign to your taste buds? What happens after you spend a whole day at the mall in a buying frenzy...Every thing else seems booooooooaring! It's no different with the continuous consumption of sweetened food. Every food that's not sweetened becomes "untasteworthy".
This might come as a shocker, but nearly every food you purchase at the super market has been artificially sweetened whether it says it on the label or not. This means that you may think you're eating good, when really your diet is nothing more than processed junk.
Perhaps the last statement has provided a little motivation to alter your eating habits? Here's just a little more...would it surprise you to know that if you ate 1 bowl of uncooked oatmeal three times a day for the next week that you would lose no less than 5-10 pounds? Do that for the next month and imagine the shape your waistline would be in!
Granted, this seems rather odd. And yes, the taste might take a little getting used to...But when it comes to choosing foods that simply "taste good" or showing off my amazing flab free exterior - I'll choose that sexy body every time!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Diet and Weight Loss - Going Back to Basics With the New Food Pyramid!
Balancing your diet properly is far more important than how much you eat, and it doesn't even have to be that difficult. Our bodies are complex machines that require many different nutrients to be able to achieve its full potential.
What leads to imbalances, poor health, and weight gain in the first place is when we ignore the natural needs of our bodies. Putting together a good diet is a bit more complicated than just cutting as much fat as you can, because there are many different types of fat. Some of them are beneficial, and our body requires certain amounts of them to be healthy.
As simplistic as it might seem, the food pyramid we're all familiar with from elementary school has a lot of merit to it, and many people that follow it are able to maintain health for their entire lives. Of course, as modern medical science has progressed, the structure of the pyramid has changed and improved over the years, and most people would agree that it's for the better.
The main thing is that you don't see the parameters of a diet based on such broad terms as hard, fast rules. Try to see them more as guidelines. There's a lot of room for personalizing your diet to meet your own tastes. There's even a category included in the new, extended food pyramid for "discretionary calories."
In other words, as long as you're getting the prescribed amounts of all of the major food groups, you can go a little bit nuts with what's leftover. Proper dieting doesn't have to feel like a college calculus class, and this is only one of many popular examples of very simple dieting guidelines that just plain work. It's amazing what problems we can avoid when we stop doing things to the point of excess.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Colon Cleanse For Weight Loss - 2 Simple Colon Cleanse Methods For Weight Loss
Are you looking at losing all that extra holiday weight that you are harboring and not sure how best to do it? Have you tried every single available weight loss techniques and still haven't come across the most intense and guaranteed way to lose weight? Have you taken a look at things from a different perspective and cleanse your colon for once to get the long needed relief and ensuring that you lose weight really soon? Well if you haven't tried the last technique then here are two guaranteed ways to go about a colon cleanse to lose weight.
Method 1
For the very first method, a rigorous fast accompanied by only water, lemonade and fruit juice is recommended. This would ensure that your body is cleansed of all the waste material that is stubbornly stuck to your bowels and also remove the excess fat and flush it out on a daily basis. Make sure that you follow this fast for at least 10 days for visible results. All that you have to do is drink a lot of water or lemonade or some fresh fruit juice or another every time you feel hungry. Do not take any solid foods nor resort to any kind of milkshakes
Method 2
As for your second method, you could try an herbal colon cleansing method. This is further classified into two based on the work done. A few sets of plants and herbs are known to stimulate and intensify you bowel movement while the other is known purify your colon by destroying all the unwanted and harmful bacteria. If you are looking for the first option, then aloe-vera leaf, senna, cascara sagrada, ginger and cayenne pepper are your options, while barberry, garil, fennel, and onions are known to purify the colon and kill the harmful and unwanted bacteria.
Now follow these two simple methods to ensure that you have a clean and healthy colon which would prevent the inevitable colon cancer in the long run and help your shed all that unwanted weight as your short term result. Now this would be to look at weight loss from an entirely different angle and perspective.
How Celebrities Lose Weight Fast - Learn the Tricks They Use For Fast Celebrity Weight Loss
Have you ever wondered how celebrities lose weight fast? Celebrities seem almost super-human in their ability to shed pounds so quickly. Stars have had children and look better than they did before ever getting pregnant in just weeks! It takes us "normal" moms years to lose that baby fat! Actors gain weight to suit a movie role and then it seems that the weight comes off in the bath water the moment they are done filming. How do they do it?
The first way how celebrities lose weight fast is that they have a personal trainer. Believe it or not, this makes a huge difference when it comes to weight loss. Their personal trainer stays on them consistently about their diet and exercise habits. This requires them to have accountability for what they eat and their physical activity. That is something that most of us don't have in place. However, it is still possible to lose weight and stay fit like a celebrity, even if you don't have thousands to spend on a personal trainer.
Another reason how celebrities lose weight fast is that they follow a very strict diet. Most celebrities limit themselves to 1200 - 1300 calories per day. They try to avoid snacks and empty calories. It is a little easier for them to stick to their diets than the rest of us because their livelihood depends on it! If you knew that those extra pounds would mean that you would lose your house and car, it would probably give you a little more motivation to do something about them. This is why you see many celebrities go "too far" with their weight loss. They sometimes obsess to the point of becoming too skinny and unhealthy looking. So it has a downside as well.
With their busy schedule, eating several 5 or 6 meals per day instead of three large ones is not always convenient, but it is part of how celebrities lose weight fast. They usually try to avoid eating close to bedtime. Celebrities are also crazy about water! They drink tons of water and not much else. This helps them stay slim and is also great to keep their skin clear and glowing.