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Friday, November 1, 2013

5 Weight Loss Exercises at Home

A lot of people would love to lose weight but they don't know how to. A lot of people would love to go to the gym, but they don't have the time or money. But when you do weight loss exercises at home, you don't need money or time but just a whole lot of concentration. These quick weight loss exercises could help you lose weight in no time at all.

1.Resistance Training

Resistance trainings helps to burn a lot of calories and makes your muscles more healthier. As you keep on doing it you will notice that your body will become much leaner then it was before. Resistance training has proven to be one of the easiest weight loss exercises out there right now because many people who are trying to lose weight love using the resistance training.

2.Cardio Workout

Cardio workouts are one of the most effective weight loss exercises right now because it helps keep your heart healthy. It is well known that if you do cardio your body will be more resistant to fattening diseases like diabetes and heart diseases. Doing at least 35 minutes of cardio a day will give you that slender look you want.

3.Bike Riding

Simple bike riding is excellent for losing some pounds and making the body look healthy. Bike riding works the whole entire body so the legs, stomach, backside and thighs all get a very nice workout.


Walking is a great way to burn some calories. Just by walking a mile you can burn a 100 calories


Jogging is one of the best weight loss exercises you can do because it's simple, easy and very effective. Jogging every morning will help you lose a ton of calories by getting rid of the flab and toning up your body.

For More Related Topics Blog: Low Carb Weight Loss

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